Some Translations

This is a short post to point people at some translations of my work done by some really fantastic people. I am in awe of people who take the time and effort to translate philosophy into other languages, as I have some understanding of how necessary and how thankless a task it is, but I am doubly in awe of anyone who translates my work to make it accessible to another audience. I am embarrassingly monolingual, and am grateful for any opportunity to engage with non-English speaking audiences.

Anyway, here are the relevant pieces:

1) My ‘Ariadne’s Thread’ paper on Deleuze’s metaphysics, translated into Spanish by Leonardo Bahamondes (here)

2) My ‘So, Accelerationism, what’s all that about?’ post from tumblr responding to Malcom Harris’ review of the #Accelerate reader, also translated into Spanish, this time by Giancarlo Sandoval (here)

3) The first part of the 5th Chapter of my PhD thesis on Heidegger, translated into Serbian by Milan Markovic (here)

Get Reassembled: PAF Seminars

I’ve just gotten back to the UK from France after visiting PAF, as part of Get Reassembled: Time, Intelligence, Acceleration. This was a really fantastic event, and I can’t thank the organisers enough (Amy Ireland, Katrina Burch, and Deanna Khamis; with special mentions to Lendl Barcelos and Ben Woodard) for putting it together and inviting me to contribute. My contribution took the form of three seminars, which were very graciously streamed and recorded by The New Centre for Research and Practice. The seminars covered a lot of work I’ve been doing in various areas for several years, a good deal of which is catalogued here on deontologistics, but which I haven’t before had the chance to present in a unified form. As such, it is only fitting that I present them here, along with links to the reading I recommended for those attending them. The first two seminars are around 2 hours each, though the last is over 3 hours, partly because of the need to pull together the disparate ideas into a coherent thesis, but also because of some very good questions and subsequent discussions initiated by the participants. This is a lot to watch, but some of you might find the whole thing to be worth the effort.

Freedom, Reason, and AGI 




Desire, Autonomy, and Capital

Required: The first two sections of this post: 


Optional: The rest of the CR post and 

Beauty, Justice, and Acceleration


